FREE list of Non-Profit Organizations and online work-at-home projects.
FREE list of non-profit organizations where you can do Community Service Hours. Try our community service 14 days for free and receive a list of non-profit organizations where you can get your community service hours done. Enter your contact info below and then check your email right away to get started.
This website can be used to find options for community service locations and to keep track of your community service hours. As soon as you submit your info we will email information about Community Service and check our database to find non-profits near your zip code where you can do Community Service. If you don't find a place and start getting hours in less than 2 weeks, you can cancel your service and pay nothing!! We are 100% positive that we can help you get your hours done and we will let you try our service for FREE for the first 2 weeks just so we can prove it to you!....
We are 100% positive that we can help you get your hours done! If you don't find a place and start getting hours in less than 2 weeks, you can cancel your service and pay nothing!!
As soon as you enter your card info, we will put together a customized list of approved worksites where you can get your hours done. This list will include worksites near your home and online projects. List will be emailed to you as soon as it is ready, usually within a few hours. One of our community service specialists will also contact you to make sure you have all the information you need to get your hours done.
This website can be used to find options for court-ordered community service locations and to keep track of your court-ordered community service hours. Click here for more info about our community service programs.
We have received your info and we are preparing a list of non-profits organizations near your home. We want to be sure we have your correct address. If your address is different from the address listed on your paypal account, please email us right away with your correct home address. We will be searching for non-profit worksites near your address and want to be sure we have the correct information because the list you will receive is customized to your address. We want to make sure they are close to your home. Sometimes it will take us a few hours to get your list just right because we have to check a few of the locations. Please be patient. We will always get your list to you as soon as we can. It usually arrives in your mailbox within a few hours but on weekends or holidays it could be as long as 48 hours. We just want to make sure it is accurate as possible before we send it to you.
Contact these places as soon as you receive your list to find one that works with your schedule. Most of these places will provide you with a timesheet but if not just contact us after you have started working and we will set you up with an online timesheet. If you have any questions just hit reply when you receive your list and the specialist who prepared your list will be able to help you.
Our list of Non-Profit locations is updated frequently, but we do not check every project for accuracy. You should review each opportunity check current non-profit status and also review any restrictions you may have regarding your Community Service orders. Remember that all projects may need to be approved and any projects not approved by the person who ordered your service may not count toward your hours. Bottom line is -Check your paperwork carefully!
If you have signed up for our Self Service Community Service program you will soon receive a list of worksites by email. This list will be mailed to the same email you just used to pay your registration. Please be sure you have access to this email and always use the same email address for any questions.
The list of available worksites changes frequently. Some locations will be posted here and some will be emailed to you. You can choose as many locations or worksites as you like and work on several different projects at the same time. Many of the locations will have work that you can complete from home.
Remember with Self Service, you will need to choose your own location from a list, contact the worksite, set up your work schedule and keep track of your own hours as required by your Probation officer or Court Services. If you have any problems you may sign up for the Full Service option at any time.
You will also receive a list by email with locations near your home where you can complete hours. This list is customized for your address and will be emailed to you a few days after you pay the self service access fee.
VERY IMPORTANT! .... PLEASE READ! Check your requirements. Online hours are almost never approved by Courts unless you have talked to your judge and have it in writing that you can complete online assignments. Many people may tell you that they have done it and hours were approved. Do not turn in online hours unless you are absolutely sure your courts have approved you for online projects in advance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you are not 100% sure or if you have any questions at all about how to complete your hours you should take your court papers and meet with your probation officer to answer all your questions. If you are not able to meet with a probation officer, we have personal coaches available who can answer your questions and help you to get your hours done on time. If you choose to use a personal coach, they will also help you find approved locations where you can do hours and set you up with a password protected time-sheet which you can fill out online. ...... Optional Services .....
Personal Coach to help you with your hours $49.95 USD List of Local Non-Profits $39.95 USD Blank Online Timesheet $29.95 USD
Virtual Opportunities will be updated weekly.'s World Archives Program (AWAP) provides free software to its volunteers to access already-scanned images and transcribe them into a common, publicly-searchable database. "The Ancestry World Archives Project is thousands of volunteers from around the world with a passion for genealogy and a desire to help others discover their roots."
SafeRide America is a non-profit, charity organization that effectively provides a proven, useful and affordable answer to stopping impaired driving incidents before they happen. Our method of fulfilling community service hours allows you to keep your work schedule, save money, and avoid the often unforeseen cost of traditional community service. SafeRide America is an approved 501 (c) 3 non-profit for all court appointed community service. Call us now or complete and submit the form at the top of the page to learn more about this fun, meaningful volunteer opportunity. Call today and get started on your community service hours TODAY! Call (404) 888-0887 Now!
Action Team: A National Youth Volunteer Program - Major Leaguers and high school students have something in common. They care about the places they call home. And that's why they've joined forces to help inspire other teens to get involved in their own communities by forming Action Teams in their high schools. Through the Action Team, more than 65,000 high school students have helped more than 205,000 of their neighbors in need. This free program is available to high school students everywhere. In fact, there are presently more than 100 high schools across the United States, including Hawaii, and Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and as far away as Japan, enrolled in the program. ACTION TEAM 12 East 49th Street 24th Floor New York, NY 10017 212-826-0809 or 888-714-0755
Courtesy of the Major League Baseball Players Trust and Volunteers of America, Action Teams receive complimentary T-shirts, posters, brochures and exclusive on-line resources to support their efforts to encourage others to get involved.
When Volunteers of America was founded in 1896, volunteerism derived from a military context and to volunteer one's time in service to others was a full-time commitment. Our founders, Maud and Ballington Booth, and other early members of our organization came to call themselves Volunteers of America because they volunteered their whole lives to help people in need. This included - not only volunteering their time - but also their hearts, their spirits and their professional prosperity. Today, each year Volunteers of America touches the lives of more than 2 million people in over 400 communities in 46 states and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico through programs that are staffed by full-time, paid professionals who have adopted this same ideal of service as their full-time mission. However, that does not mean that we do not also depend on an army of modern-day "volunteers" who offer their free time to support our volunteer programs nationwide. In fact, in 2013 more than 55,000 volunteers devoted more than one million hours to hundreds of Volunteers of America programs and activities nationwide - and we can always use more volunteers!
Survivors In Action - We are a non-profit crime victims all volunteer organization that provides direct support to victims of any crime. We are co-chairs of the the movement known as DV Reform domestic violence victim resource and public policy reform. Our mission is no victim left behind. 4354 TOWN CENTER BLVD EL DORADO HILLS, CA95762 CONTACT Alexis Moore PHONE 916-941-7292 WEBSITE
Foodbank of Santa Barbara County - Foodbank Research Community Events Online - The mission of the Foodbank is to provide nourishment to those in need by acquiring and distributing safe nutritious foods via local agencies and providing education to solve hunger and nutrition problems in Santa Barbara County. Two warehouse locations in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria. We need someone to research the community events online and add them to our events calendar. For more information on how you can help, please contact Melissa Howard: 805-967-5741 x112 or
Soliya, an international non-profit organization, is growing its team of volunteer facilitators to facilitate online cross-cultural dialogue! Apply now to join our trainings and become part of the team! Qualified applicants receive full tuition scholarships for the training and trainings are entirely online so they can be done from the comfort of your home or office. Apply and spread the word! See brochure and application process here :
Parents Helping Parents - runs a network of support groups for parents who want to improve relationships with their children. Parents come to our support groups seeking encouragement and feedback on parenting-related issues. Shared leadership, trust, respect, responsibility, and positive parenting are key components of our support groups. Our groups provided a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment for creating positive and caring peer relationships. Our approach is preventative; once the emotional support of the parent has been strengthened, a parent is better able to actively guide and nurture the family. We need a volunteer (you!) to act as a group facilitator for a virtual parent support group.. As a facilitator, you will be maintaining the safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment which characterizes our support groups.
CureSearch for Children's Cancer - We are looking for an online volunteer who is internet savvy who can help us further our lifesaving mission! Imagine hundreds of people, all hiking 20-30 miles in one day to eliminate children's cancer--and you are at the forefront finding these people! Our Ultimate Online volunteer will help by searching for outdoor stores and other places for us to post materials, researching healthcare teams that can help us spread the word, submitting press releases and community calendar requests, finding blogs and meetups that can help us get the word out, and more. We do a lot with a little to ensure every dollar possible goes to lifesaving children's cancer research, which means we need someone like you to help us tell children's cancer to take a hike! We are looking for a minimum of two hours a week, but very flexible scheduling, and could be more hours if desired!
Foodbank of Santa Barbara County - The mission of the Foodbank is to provide nourishment to those in need by acquiring and distributing safe nutritious foods via local agencies and providing education to solve hunger and nutrition problems in Santa Barbara County. During 2011, the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County distributed 11 million pounds of food from two warehouse locations in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria. We need someone to create an online newsletter for the Foodbank using Constant Contact. For more information on how you can help, please contact Melissa Howard: 805-967-5741 x112 or
Cheerful Givers - Do you enjoy online research? Become a grant researcher! Conduct online research to identify potential foundations, corporations or organizations which may support our nonprofit. Assist in researching grant funding possibilities and draft grant applications. Use the web to find new sources of potential income for Cheerful Givers. Work from your home or office with flexible hours. Visit for more information or contact
Global Rescue Relief, Inc. - We need a committed volunteer who is online marketing proficient (Facebook, twitter, linked-in, blogs, social media, donor sites, etc.). Preferred: proven track record for creating a marketing plan, increasing digital traffic, and messaging consistency/branding. The volunteer must be able to produce dynamic and attractive messaging. They also must be able to commit to at least 30 volunteer hours over 3 months. We want to move quickly and need a volunteer who can work fast too. If you are skilled at social media and marketing and it's work you enjoy, we'd love to hear from you! This a virtual opportunity. For more information, please contact us by email at: Global Rescue Relief 501(c)3 PO Box 60288 Washington DC 20039
New Heights Educational Group, Inc - Online Class Monitors - Online class monitors would either set in on live classes as they are going on and monitor them for any negative remarks, behaviors, negativity, you would then report to New Heights Management. Participants can also choose to listen to past recordings instead of participating in live classes. This would be on an ongoing basis and weekly. Participants would need to volunteer at least 3 hours a week. We aren't expecting problems but just want to make sure that classes are run smoothly and postively. Contact: 419-786-0247
Warning! Possible online Scam !!! - - For a fee this company will have you watch videos and supply you with a letter from a schetchy non-profit. Most courts will not accept this letter and you get to start all over again. Stay away from this one!
Warning! Possible online Scam !!! - Judge-calls-it-a-scam - - For a fee this company will have you read about caffeine addiction. Most courts will not accept this letter and you get to start all over again. Stay away from this one!
Warning! Possible online Scam !!! - - For a fee this company will sell you a letter. Many courts have heard of Logan Social Services and few will accept this letter! Buyer Beware. Court officials have now sent out a warning letter for local judges to be on the lookout for anyone trying to use this service.
Warning! Possible online Scam !!! - - For a fee this company will have you watch videos and supply you with a letter from a schetchy non-profit. Most courts will not accept this letter and you get to start all over again. Stay away from this one! - Not to be confused with other copy-cat sites. This website will sell you a list of local non-profits where you can get your hours done. You could find these non-profit sites for free but the website can save you time by searching for you. This site also offers personal coaches for a fee who will answer questions and help you get started with your hours.
You are signing up for Full Service. As soon as you submit payment you will be asked for your email address and some other contact information. This info will be sent immediately to one of our coordinators who will contact you right away to get you started.
You will receive a court approved timesheet and can begin doing hours as soon as you sign up. Your coordinator will review this timesheet, verify your hours and complete all paperwork as required by the court where you received community service. You will be billed monthly for the full service option until you have completed all hours and your coordinator will always encourage you to get your hours done as quickly as possible.
You must have at least 60 days remaining before your court date to qualify for Full Service. If you have less than 60 days remaining you will need to click here to sign up for the self service option where you search for your own worksite from a list. After you sign up for either option you can contact us for help...... Frequently asked Questions.
When you enter your info above and subscribe to one of our programs, we will immediately start helping you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First we will take your information that you provide and assign it to a Community Service specialist who will immediately start looking for worksites near you which are court approved and where you can start your community service hours. When you choose one of our programs and complete registration your specialist will contact you (usually within a few hours) with a list of worksites they have found and instructions for you to contact them and set up a work schedule that works for you. You can contact these worksites right away and print the list if needed. These are locations near your home where you can complete hours. You will receive this list after you choose a program that works for you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Next we will send you a copy of our Community Service Guide. Our Community Service guide has been written by experts and will give you the tools you need to find community service projects for court or school. It doesn't matter what your situation is or what restrictions you may have. After you read this simple guide written by experts you will be able to quickly find dozens of opportunities to complete your hours. This guide can be used with the list of worksites that you will receive from your community service specialist and is full of tips and tricks to get your hours completed quickly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Most people are able to complete our programs within 30 days but it could take longer depending on your situation. Our programs are designed to benefit individuals who are serious about completing their community service hours. We can help you find assignments, fill out your timesheet, supply verified timesheets on required letterhead to the courts and make sure you have everything you need to verify your hours and complete your community service.
With our programs, you will be able to choose your own location from a list, contact the worksite, set up your work schedule and keep track of your own hours as required. You can contact as many locations or worksites as you like and if your Probation officer allows, you can combine hours at different locations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Just enter your name, email and zip code and click the button to get started on your court ordered community service program. You will receive info on all programs we currently have available for non-profits near your home where you can complete court ordered hours. If allowed by your court, you can work on several different projects at the same time. Some locations may also have work that you can complete from home. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please review the email you will receive for your available options and if you choose our full service program we will assign a Community Service Coordinator who will contact you help you to set a schedule that works around your personal life and they will also make sure that you get your hours done as quickly and easily as possible. They will help you to find a non-profit work assignment where you can complete your Court Ordered Community Service and they will help you to complete all paperwork required by your Court. Full Service Court Ordered Community Service support works best if you have 60 days or more remaining to complete your hours. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you choose to enroll in our full service program, your community service specialist will continue to work with you as long as you are enrolled in our program to make sure you have found a worksite appropriate for your needs. Their job is to help you get done as easily as possible. They will help you find assignments. They will contact worksites to verify your hours. They will also help to prepare your timesheets and letters of completion as required by your court. Our services are guaranteed and we can guarantee that we will be able to find a worksite appropriate for your community service needs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you would like to use the full service option please check your email for instructions and fill out the requested information to get started.
Non-Profits - Each list below will contain 20-30 non-profit locations near your home where you can do your hours. You can choose your own location from a list, contact the worksite, set up your work schedule and keep track of your own hours as required by your Probation officer or Court Services.
List of 20-30 non-profits near your home. $9.95
There is a 1 time fee for each list and you can review or print the list as many times as needed. This list is customized for your address and will be emailed to you after you pay the access fee. You can contact as many locations or worksites as you like and if allowed by your court, you can work on several different projects at the same time.
We want to help you get your hours done as easily as possible. Many times non profits will contact us with community service projects and if we hear about a new online assignment that you can do from home we will send you the details so you can check it out for yourself.
We understand that many times the courts just kick you out the door and tell you to find your own place to do Community Service hours. We also understand that non profit worksites that will accept court ordered community service workers can be very hard to find. This website is designed to help you find a place and then to help you get your hours completed.