Community Service Records Management Website

Community Service Workers

This website was created to make it easier for you to keep track of court ordered community service hours. You can start using this website and start entering hours on your time-sheet right away. You will need a username and password to access your records. If you do not have a username and password please follow the directions below to register. Instructions are included on each page.


You can skip this section if you already have a username and password. Be sure to write it down so you do not forget it. Please fill out as much of the information as you can on the Registration page. The more information you provide, the more we will be able to help you. The information you provide will be seen only by your worksite manager and court services. Click here to register if you do not have a password yet.

Using this Website

We keep records of your Community Service hours and make these records available to the courts and/or probation. We may also prepare monthly reports for probation so they can monitor your progress. If the court told you to use this website, this is where they will look to see if you are completing hours as required. It is important that you keep your time-sheet updated daily. If you do not do this, you may be called back to court and they could give you additional sanctions like increased hours or even Jail time.

Completion Letter

You will receive a Completion Letter when you finish all hours. This letter will meet all requirements for your court. It will be printed on Non-Profit letterhead if required. The court will also receive a copy of your letter to prove you finished all hours. All courts will require a completion letter. Your work-site will be able to print your completion letter after you finish all hours. Please be sure to ask for it on your last day worked.

Online Time-Sheet

Your time-sheet will be kept online. Your work-site supervisor and/or probation officer will be able to see your time-sheet at any time. Your work-site may also have a check-in sheet where you may be required to sign in/out at the work-site location. You are responsible for keeping your time-sheet up to date and accurate so be sure your time is being entered each time you work. You will not receive credit for any time not entered on time-sheet.

Work-Site Rules and Probation Rules

You are required to follow all rules at the work-site and all rules from court while you are doing community service. Different work-sites may have different rules regarding attendance, dress code, scheduling, and individual requirements for workers. Please contact your supervisor and/or probation officer to be sure you understand all requirements.

Changing Work-Sites or Working at Multiple Locations

You are assigned to work at only 1 location unless the court or probation has given you permission to work at multiple approved work-sites. You cannot change sites unless it has been approved by courts. If you are approved to work multiple sites, you must enter all contact information for each site on your time-sheet. Failure to do this may prevent your hours from being approved.

Registration or Service Fee

It is very important for you to get registered and started right away because there is a one time registration fee or a monthly fee to use our services and your fee may be waived or refunded back to you if you start right away and make good progress. The cost is intended to help motivate you to get your hours done quickly. Your monthly fee starts as soon as you are assigned to a work-site and ends as soon as you complete all hours. This fee is paid to manage your records and not a court fee.

Contact Information

CSRM is a password protected website created to make it easier for workers, non-profit work-site managers and court employees to keep track of court ordered community service hours. To Contact us, please send an email to: If you are a community service worker please be sure to include your full name, where you went to court and all information about your case. If you are a non-profit organization, manager, or supervisor please be sure to include your full name and contact information for your work-site or organization. If you are a court or probation employee please be sure to include your full name, title, County office you work for and a work email address.
Click Here to Register if you do not have a password.