How To Buy Community Service Hours
Answers to the question:
Can I pay for Community Service Hours
Can I Buy or Pay for Community Service Hours?
This is a frequently asked question. It depends on your case and if the Judge gave you permission to Buy Hours. If the Judge gave you the option to buy out or pay for your hours then the answer is - Yes you can! Just go back to the Court House and tell the clerk that you would like to Buy out your hours instead of doing them.
How much is it to Pay for Community Service Hours?
This is another frequently asked question. Usually if the court agrees to convert your community service to a buy out amount, you will need to pay approx. $10.00 per hour that you were told to complete. So if you have 100 hours community service you can expect to pay at least $1,000 instead of the hours. Of course each court varies and you may actually have to pay more than $10.00 per hour but you will never pay less. Once again it depends on the Judge. Not ready to pay $10.00/per hour? Click Here for another option.
How to Get out of Community Service ordered by the Court
So you are thinking about getting out of community service ordered by the court? Well you do not have many options and it will probably not be possible. Many people do not like doing community service and many people would like to get out of it but the reality is it almost never happens. Even if you are injured, or disabled you will still be required to perform the community service when you recover. You are not likely to get out of community service but we can help you to find the best possible community service available. Just click on this link and we can help you find the easiest way to get it done with and over with.
What happens if I don't do my Community Service
Another question we hear frequently. If you don't do your community service hours as ordered, you will be required to tell the Probation Dept.
or the Court why you did not complete your hours. If you are on Probation, this will cause all kinds of problems for you because you cannot get off probation until you have satisfied all terms of your individual probation. This means you may have additional Court dates and additional fees to pay for court or probation fees. The Judge may also decide to revoke your probation because you did not do your community service in the time required. If you do get your probation revoked, you may have to go to jail. The Judge may also decide to fine you for not getting your hours done per the courts instructions. The worst part is that you may actually have to do the community service hours even after you get out of jail or some Judges may want to double your hours required as an additional sanction for not getting the original hours done on time.
For your convenience - We have provided a free link below powered by AVVO so that you can post a question anonymously and get free answers from experienced attorneys.
How to Pay for Community Service Hours
So you still want to try and pay for your community service hours. Here are your options. You can go back to court and ask the Judge to convert your hours into a payment. It is unlikely this will work but you can try it. You can hire a Lawyer and ask him or her to motion the court for a modification. And of course, you do have a third option - That would be to actually do your community service hours as assigned and not try to pay for community service. We personally would recommend actually doing the hours and we can help you if that is what you decide to do. This page is provided for your information only. CS101 staff does not recommend or encourage you to buy hours or pay for any community service program which offers you hours in exchange for money. If you received community service the Judge wants you to perform actual physical labor that will benefit the community where you live. CS101 does not exchange hours for money. We do however offer a service to help you to find places to do your hours legally so that you can complete your hours without breaking the law.
For your convenience - We have also posted a link below to our Full service program where we can help you to get your community service hours done. Our program is extremely easy. Hours are flexible and available 7 days a week around your schedule. You can work as many hours a day as you like. Our service does have a cost of $99 to get started and it provides everything you need to complete your hours. Just click the link below to make payment and get started.
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