We will supply you with a list of Court approved Non-Profit worksites where you can start right away and complete your Court Ordered Community Service hours.
With Self Service, you will choose your own location from a list, contact the worksite, set up your work schedule and keep track of your own hours as required by your Probation officer or Court Services.
You can choose as many locations or worksites as you like and work on several different projects at the same time. Many of the locations will have work that you can complete from home.
There is a 1 time fee for access to this list and you can review or print the list as many times as needed. You will also receive a list by email with locations near your home where you can complete hours. This list is customized for your address and will be emailed to you a few days after you pay the self service access fee.
If you would like to use the self service option please click here and you will be taken to the payment page. Self service is $40 and includes everything as listed above. The payment page will have instructions for immediate access to the list of court approved non-profit locations as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
Full Service is very different. With the Full service option we will assign a Community Service Coordinator who will contact you with ideas and help you to get everything done.
Your Community Service Coordinator will help you to set a schedule that works around your personal life and they will also make sure that you get your hours done as quickly and easily as possible. They will help you to find a non-profit work assignment where you can complete your Court Ordered Community Service and they will help you to complete all paperwork required by your Court.
If you choose this option, your Community Service coordinator will stay in contact with you and will continue to work with you until you have completed all hours. They will help you find assignments. They will contact worksites to verify your hours. They will also help to prepare your timesheets and letters of completion as required by your court. Their job is to help you get done as easily as possible.
If you would like to use the full service option please click here and you will be taken to the payment page. Full service is $20 the first month and then $20 per month until you have completed all hours and includes everything as listed above. The payment page will have instructions for immediate access to your Community Service Coordinator as well as answers to frequently asked questions.