Step 1.
Your first assignment is to fill in and submit as much information as you can on this page. This information will be sent to a Community Service specialist and used to create your time-sheet and open an account with CS101 so we can help you finish your hours.
Step 2.
Click here-> Project-228
and follow the directions
You can start now. You do not need to read the following info unless you have questions.
What happens Next?...After you complete steps 1 and 2 above your project will be reviewed by CS101 and we will create a time-sheet for you. You will receive an email with your username and password as well as directions to view and add hours to your timesheet.
We can help you but it is important for you to fill out the form on this page and include as much info as possible. This will help us to get you started quickly. After you complete the form on this page your info will be reviewed and you will receive more instructions....Note-It may take several hours for us to review your first project and then we will email you with directions for next project.
If you are short on time, we can help you but you will have to complete the form on this page and let us know.
Community Service Help
Please be sure to hit the Submit button and scroll back up to step 2. after you have submitted your info.