Community Service Park Project 111

Start getting your hours done Today!

Virtual Assignments

Court Approved Timesheets

Dozens of Locations Near your Home!

Please be sure to read all instructions below and be sure you understand them before you start. Your hours will be approved as soon as you complete this project. You will receive a letter on non-profit letterhead for court as soon as you complete all your hours.
To get credit for this project, You will need to find a public park close to your house and take along a digital camera or phone to take several pictures of yourself with a garbage bag picking up trash in this park. This will be much easier if you can have someone take the pictures for you. You must take at least 1 picture for every 15 minutes you work. For example if you pick up trash for 4 hours, you will need to take at least 16 pictures. You should also include a picture with yourself and a sign (see sample below) with the parks name when possible. You are approved to work up to 8 hours on this project. You can work less if you choose.
DO NOT email your pictures to CS101 or anyone else. As soon as you have taken all your pictures you should email CS101 and tell us how many hours you worked and how many pictures you have. We will fill out your timesheet and give you simple directions on how to send your photos to your personal folder. Your photos will be kept only until you complete your hours and you can delete them all when you are finished.
As soon as you complete the first project and you have submitted your pictures you may request another Park Project for additional hours. Please make sure that your pictures have been received and your Timesheet has been approved before starting another park.
If you have any questions, please contact CS101. If you have any problems uploading your photos to the storage site your specialist will be happy to help you. We have helped hundreds of people to finish their hours on time.