Start getting your hours done Today!
Virtual Assignments
Court Approved Timesheets
Dozens of Locations Near your Home!
Results Guaranteed!
"I thank you for working with me and think that you program is outstanding. Not only did it let me perform my services to the state of Indiana, but it also gave me some good quality time with my family, again thank you
Rick B, IN
"I have finished my hours. Your guide and the Timesheet made it very simple. Thank you for helping me get this Monkey off my back. No more court dates for me!! Yaaah!!
Denise, AZ
"Done Done Done Thank You Thank You Thank You
Patricia, TX
"My PO was suspicious of your program and thought it was a scam but since he couldn't find anywhere for me to go, I signed up anyway and turned in my timesheets you helped me to make to him and now he is recommending your program to others on probation. Thanks!
Carlos, Atlanta GA
Your testimonial could be next. To respect the privacy of our customers we list only their first name and State location. We have testimonials from several other States and the support of both Federal and County Probation Officers around the Country.
We have helped hundreds of people to finish their hours on time and we guarantee we can help you.
Looking to Finish your Hours?
Stop searching the hard way!
Here's how to get your hours done the EASY way....
Dear Friend,
Are you ready to complete your hours quickly and effortlessly?
Suppose you could sit down read a simple guide written by experts and quickly find dozens of opportunities to complete your hours.
Imagine...You can review dozens of Community Service (CS) opportunities and choose something you would like to do or something near your home. You could even find projects that you can do online from the comfort of home.
Sounds too good to be true?
Well, not if you have the right tools. You see, There are actually hundreds of ways you can get hours for community service and thousands of projects out there. Our CS101 guide written by experts will give you the tools you need to find these projects and it doesn't matter what your situation is or what restrictions you may have.
In just a few minutes you can quickly and easily download our full guide to finding Community Service projects!
Think about it. Finding a CS assignment is hard to do. Many Probation officers are overloaded with a heavy caseload and they don't have time to help you. So you are left to search on your own and quickly discover that most places do not want CS workers.
I'm sure you realize that you have a time limit to complete your hours and if you don't complete them on time your situation could get much worse. For example: Many Courts view Community Service as a Second-Chance option and you probably received CS because the courts do not want to place you in jail. The courts require you to complete your hours and they expect you to have them completed on time.
CS hours are not optional and if you return to court without having them completed you could find yourself sitting in jail. If you have a job, this also means that you could lose your job as well. Our CS101 guide can help you to avoid this situation even if you are getting short on time.
Our CS101 Guide will help you to find assignments GUARANTEED !
Okay, So What’s The Cost For This Incredible Resource?
Well, the real value is in getting your hours done and putting all this behind you. This guide will allow you to put it all behind you and help you to get it done at your own pace. If you calculate what your time is worth, you will quickly realize that it costs you hundreds of dollars every time you have to go back to court. Each court visit could cost you missed days at work, lawyer bills and Court costs.
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near what it would cost you to miss one day of work and go to court. In fact, your total investment for the complete CS101 Guide plus bonus list is just $49.95. The money you’ll save by finding projects at home or near your home as a result of this guide will very easily be worth more than you spend.
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
Your success in using the CS101 Guide is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:
If you follow the instructions in the CS101 Guide and you aren't 100% satisfied - I don't expect...or keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I'll happily refund your money in full. That means you can't lose no matter what!
We have helped hundreds of people to finish their hours and we Guarantee we can help you!
Look at it this way -- $49.95 is really a painless drop in the bucket compared to the time and money you’re going to spend trying to find projects on your own. That’s why...
You Really Can’t Afford Not To Invest In
This CS101 Guide!
It's easy to get started right away. Just click the button below and you can have immediate (and unlimited) access to the CS101 Guide right on the spot. It couldn’t be easier or faster.
Get ready for a flood of new CS opportunities, Projects and locations where you can quickly and easily get your hours done. Order Now!
Amy Gray
Community Service Specialist
Bonus #1 - In addition to the CS101 Guide, you will also receive a bonus list of local options near your home. Your CS101 Guide will be available right away after you submit payment and you will also receive an email within a few days with a bonus list of Court approved Non-Profit worksites where you can start right away. These are locations near your home where you can complete hours. This list is customized for your address and will be emailed to you only after your payment is received. You can contact these worksites right away and print the list if needed.
Bonus #2 - When you order our Community Service Program Guide we will immediately assign you a Specialist with years of experience helping people to finish their hours. This specialist will immediately start searching our database to find locations near your home where you can do hours and also looking for virtual jobs that you may be able to do from home using the internet. Your specialist will contact you within a few days to make sure you have all the tools you need to get your hours completed on time
Bonus #3 - This specialist will also help you decide if you need an online timesheet for your court ordered community service. If you do need the online timesheet, your specialist will help you to create one for your area and help you to fill it in as you complete court ordered community service assignments. You will learn more about the online timesheet in your Community Service 101 Guide.